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Abortion, información relacionada

All the information on abortion

We show you all the information that you need to know about abortion, abortion clinics, news, posts, user questions and frequently asked questions, get informed!.

41 Resultados
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Pregunta de Usuario | 04/04/2015

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend a day after my period... He didn't cum in me , but not sure if he pre ejactulated ... I'm waiting to see if I get my next period... If I'm pregnant can I get an abortion with my parents knowing at all... How can I get one?

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Pregunta de Usuario | 06/04/2015

I need a abortion, after I go to my Gp to tell them Where would the nearest place for the abortion. Please could your help Me I have mental health I can't manage to go out of the house by my self,

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Pregunta de Usuario | 14/04/2015

I have a degenerative genetic disease, and I am pregnant. I don't know if my baby will have it or not, but if it would, I'm not sure I would want to make it suffer the same that I have suffered all my life. Would these be grounds for an abortion in the eyes of the law? Thanks

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Pregunta de Usuario | 22/04/2015

I had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago but used the withdrawal method, I've heard that there is sperm in precum though and my period is now 3 days late. Do you think I will need an abortion, and how long would I have to wait to get it on the NHS?

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