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Abortion and the law

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Written by in Abortion on the 26/08/2015   
Comparing ISIS to planned parenthood and abortion.
Presidential candidate for the republicans in the US Mike Huckabee, astoundingly compared the actions of the terrorist group ISIS to the "immortality of Planned parenthood and Abortion".
He equated the Islamic State terrorists's actions together with a statement saying:
“let us not be too smug in this country. Because we have sins to answer for.
“Since 1973, 60 million unborn children have died in their mother’s womb. If I’m president I will invoke the Fifth and 14th Amendment of the Constitution and protect unborn life.”
According to this man, defunding planned parenthood is not enough, nor is leaving his obviously misinformed and insulting opinion at that, he had to go further.
“What we need to be doing is doing with abortion, and the destruction of innocent human life, what Lincoln and the early Republican Party did with slavery 130 years ago, and that is bringing abolition to it.”
Is he comparing slavery to a woman's right to decide what grows and does not grow in her womb? Does he not realise that forcing a woman to bring a baby into the world that could be dangerous for her and for the child for a multitude of reasons could be condemning them both to an unjust life? Doesn't that sound a little bit like slavery in itself?
Supposedly this is part of his attempt to win the elections as he did in 2008, however, it appears that this seems more of a personal agenda from the past that hasn't modernised whatsoever with the times, rather that respecting the rights and choices of every single one of his constituants, including women with unwanted pregnancies. Maybe if he were to find himself pregnant with a child that he hadn't planned or couldn't support or could put his life in danger....he might think a little differently. If he is going to force all pregnancies to come to full term, is he going to provide the economic support that those mothers might be missing to be able to feed their child and/or themselves? Or are they both just going to have to suffer? 
Will the women denied Planned parenthood and abortions vote for him?
“When I come to Iowa I’m reminded of the fact that I’m talking to people who singularly have more to do with electing the next president than anyone else in America,” the former governor said.
“You actually have more power than some of the big donors who can write multiple million-dollar checks to candidates,” 
Is this about power? Is this about money? Or is this about defending the rights of and providing the best life possible for your constituants Mr Huckabee?
When asked about this that money becomes a “big factor,” reaffirmed his confidence in the caucus process and said 
“[voters] are not easily fooled or impressed that someone has a real nice, clever TV commercial. Because they want to meet you. They’re going to ask you hard questions, they’re going to look into your eyes and they’ll know if you’re real or not,”
Despite his strong views it appeared that the crowds supported Huckabee, although we are only talking about around 100 people in total.
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