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Noticia sobre Abortion and the law

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Abortion and the law

Abortion and the law. Necessary information to know what abortion and the law consist of. Find out all you need to know about abortion and the law.
Written by in Abortion on the 11/02/2015   
Bill to Stop Girls Travelling Over State Lines for Abortions.
A minor in Idaho for example would have to have the consent of a guardian in order to receive the Abortion.
Under the new legislation this would be illegal forcing those providing the healthcare to notify the guardians and in certain cases get their consent before proceeding. The bill however, fails to mention cases of rape or incest, so it is unknown what would happen in such cases.
One person of the bill said:
At a time where minors need to submit permission slips to go on a school trip, parents should not be left in the dark when their children have an Abortion. Parental consent laws are in effect for a sound reason and crossing state lines should not negate the intent behind the law.
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