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Complete information about the vasectomy

Find all of the information that you are looking for about the vasectomy. Inform yourself on the effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages of the vasectomy. On our website we give you advice for a good post-op of the vasectomy operation.

The vasectomy is also called male sterilisation.

Through the vasectomy the deferens ducts are cut and tied, this way the sperm cannot move out of the testicles and therefore the man cannot get the woman pregnant.

Local anaesthetic is used for the vasectomy operation; the anaesthesia injection is not painful.

Currently there is a surgical technique known as the vasectomy without scalpel whose principal function is to is to reduce discomfort, since the cut is not done with a scalpel (as is the case with the vasectomy with scalpel) instead it is done with pincers which separate and don’t cut skin fibres.

Men of a fertile age who want to have a vasectomy because they have an active sex life do so because they already have the number of children that they, desire because their partner has a high reproductive risk for being very fertile, etc.

The vasectomy is not recommended for those men that in some moment in their life might want to have children because their circumstances have changed or because they have a new partner, those who have problems with blood clotting, those whose testicles haven’t dropped, etc.

Two or three months after the vasectomy it is recommended to go to a medical consultation in order to carry out laboratory analysis or a spermogram to verify that the sperm is not present in the ejaculation.

The surgery for the vasectomy lasts approximately 40 minutes.

Don’t be scared if during the first days after the surgery the scrotal area is inflamed, depending on each man it can be more or less.

A slight pain or a minimal amount of bleeding is within what is normal, but whatever doubts consult the doctor who operated on you.

Vasectomy: effectiveness

The effectiveness of the vasectomy is 99%, although it is not effective immediately, since in order for the vasectomy operation to be effective a series of ejaculations are needed to liberate all of the sperm that were potentially fertile.

For a few months the man with have to use a complimentary contraceptive in order to avoid getting the woman pregnant.

Vasectomy: advantages

Some of the advantages that having a vasectomy gives, can be:

- It is a simple intervention which causes no pain, it can provoke discomfort for a few days, nothing more.

- It is the safest contraceptive for a man, if you are clear that you don’t want to have more children.

- It doesn’t interfere with sexual relations, nor the ability to get an erection, in the libido, etc. It doesn’t affect the ability to reach an orgasm.

-You can return to sexual relations one week after the intervention if it has gone well, but it is recommended to use another barrier contraceptive like the condom for the two or three months following the vasectomy because it is important to be sure that there are no sperm in the ejaculation which could get a woman pregnant.

Vasectomy: disadvantages

Some of the disadvantages which having a vasectomy can present can be:

- It doesn’t protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

- The reversibility of the vasectomy is very complicated.

- You can get infections.

Vasectomy: post-op advice

From here we give you some basic advice that you should follow in the days after the vasectomy:

- After the intervention you should rest for at least 24 hours to reduce the inflammation, this is very important.

- So that the inflamed zone gets better or so that the swelling goes down you can put ice on it but not directs, cover the ice with a cloth.

- During the first two weeks it is recommended that you dont do any exercise or lift weights.

- After the intervention it is recommended to use underpants to hold the testicles better and to avoid them hanging.

- To relieve the discomfort your doctor will prescribe you some type of painkiller after the vasectomy surgery.