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Complete information Essure device

All necessary information about the Essure device. Complete information on the Essure device. That function has Essure device. Effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages of Essure.

The Essure device is a very novel contraceptive aimed at permanent sterilization. It is inserted into the fallopian tubes to block them permanently, and that forms a natural barrier or growing tissue that prevents sperm from reaching the egg, no fertilization can occur.

The Intratubárico Essure device is a spring which is about 4 centimeters long and 0.8 millimeters in diameter, made with Dacron fibers it is polyester.
It is the gynecologist who must insert the Essure device, it does not require any cutting, therefore it is a pain free procedure.

The insertion of the device is usually performed between day 7 and 14 of the menstrual cycle.

The procedure is performed under local anesthetic in order to avoid any inconvenience to the woman when the doctor inserts the hysteroscope into the vagina. With this device the doctor can see the uterine cavity more clearly and insert the device in each of the tubes.

The material used for this device is very safe and is also used to perform other medical procedures such as hernia surgical treatments, cardiac surgeries, and others.

The Essure device takes 3 months to be effective to prevent pregnancy, so it is recommended that during this time, additional contraceptives are used.
3 months after insertion of the devices an ultrasound of the abdomen is done to verify their correct placement. This can also be done with a conventional gynecological ultrasound.

This contraceptive is indicated only for those women who have it very clear they don’t want to have more children, who want permanent birth control and of course are not going to change their minds even if their life circumstances change.

Essure: effectiveness

- The effectiveness of the Essure device is over 99%. You can say almost total effectiveness. It is an alternative to tubal ligation.

- Today it has become the most reliable birth control method on the market.

Essure: advantages

Some of the advantages of the intratubárico Essure device can be:

- The device is a permanent birth control.

- Their placement does not require general anesthetic, local anesthetic is sufficient to use.

- Does not require any surgical incision, so there will not be scarring, it is performed through the vagina. It is a minimally invasive surgery.

- The method does not lead Essure hormones, so that their uncomfortable side effects produced by not releasing hormones.

- Once inserted and positioned, everyday life is resumed immediately. The recovery time is very fast. We suggest moderate rest during the first 12 hours.

The perfect candidates for the use of the Essure device can be:

- Women who are concerned about the side effects caused by other contraceptives.
- Is a contraceptive that is risk in case of future pregnancies.

Essure: disadvantages

Some of the disadvantages of using the Essure device may be:

- The non-reversibility of the Essure intervention. If the woman wants to have children the only future possibility would be through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

- It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or infections.

- Up to three months after the Essure device placement you must use other contraceptives.

- There may be an allergic reaction to Essure device material.

- The placement of the device can cause discomfort to the woman, but you should not be afraid because the process is painfuless.

- There are cases in which the woman does not achieve a successful placement of the device, as a result of stenosis (narrowing) of the tube or spasms of the trunk. In these cases the physician chooses a second attempt and if it cannot be resolved then other options are sought such as Tubal ligation.

- Women may have menstrual cycle changes.

- The Essure device may be ineffective for women who are treated with immunosuppressive drugs.